Thursday, 15 December 2011

On to the pitch

So this week after handing our GDD in, we were straight onto the pitch. We already had a pretty solid idea of where we wanted to go with the pitch which helped a lot. So we basically laid out a very basic structure of how our pitch is going to be set out & who was to speak on what sections.

Essentially we decided to cover five of the major points of our game as well as throw in something a little different to make us stand out from the crowd. We decided to make a short video & a game demo to make us stand out from the others. I was assigned with the combat systems, levelling up systems & the game engine that we would be using.

We had to have about five mins worth of material each to fill the full fifteen minutes of the pitch. I wrote out a basic structure that my section was going to take & felt pretty confident that by improving upon this base I would be able to speak confidently for my part.

I had some trouble condensing everything I wanted to say into the five minutes but I got there in the end & I am fully confident in the material I have prepared

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