Monday, 12 December 2011

Game Design Document - Finished

So we finally finished our GDD & got it handed in on time thankfully. There was a lot of information in our GDD with concept art to show exactly what we meant. In some sections I think that we could have had some more concept art or a little more explanation but at 49 pages we were pushing the boundaries with the amount of information we had. Looking back over the project I think I may have done one or two things differently, like I would have made sure everyone had the same ideas about certain points in the game as towards the end we had slightly different views on how stuff should be done but we worked it out in the end.

 So now we have to focus on our 15 minute presentation to the potential investors, we have had some great ideas to make us stand out from the crowd I shan't be revealing them just yet as I want them to stay our ideas. Though what I can say is that we are going to have a lot more visual content & possibly some interactive content as well. I think we will have to condense our pitch to 15 mins just because of the amount of content we have but I personally think that the topics we should cover are:

  1. Game Story
  2. Characters
  3. Level Up System & Combat System
  4. Game World
  5. Concept Art/Videos/Interactive Content
With the above outlined I think that we will have plenty of information to cover the 15 minutes & have a very short time for some questions at the end. I personally feel that the points outlined above are the major points of our game & game play & as such they should be the major selling points of our game. I will also post up a copy of the Game Design Document for anyone who is interested.

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