Tuesday, 4 October 2011

CGD Week 2

Today was the second time our group met up to discuss ideas for our game & expand on the ideas that we had last week. We decided to thrash out the details of who was to do what in regards to the Game Design Document & it was decided that I would be doing the back story & general outline of the game.Our original idea of the back story was to have the four worlds collide in some sort of dream world due to a universal event that ripped up time, space & reality as we know it. But today I came up with what the group feel is a much better back story which I shall lay down the basis of here.

The year is 8891 & Somnium is the vice of choice these days. Dreamscape Ltd are the biggest providers of Somnium in the world today. They have centres in all 5 continents & have the best trained staff with the greatest safety records there is. For those who don't know Somnium is the process of taking someone or something dead reanimating it & creating a world from their memories for the user who is hooked up to them through the Pro-memory Output Display or the POD for short. Today is to be my first time in the POD I know a lot of people frown upon it but I don't drink, smoke, do drugs. Now don't get me wrong I am partial to the odd fast woman but apart from that I have no other vice, No entertainment in this drab being that we call life. The utopian future that was planned for us has gone tits up & all that is left is a class divide so wide that there are maybe 10% of the population that are able to afford Somnium but as I am one of them I could less about the scum under current that make up the working classes & the criminals. I enter the Dreamscape centre & I'm greeted by the cheeriest & perkiest (In the right places I might add) lab assistant I have ever laid eyes on. I make a mental note to have her later. She leads me into the chamber to meet the doctor & show me to my POD as I have already selected my memory world that I will use as my personal play ground.

At this point you will be given the choice to choose one of four playable characters which are the Merc, the Witch, the Templar & the Onierologist (dream scientist) each of which will have their own traits & special abilities.

Today also seen us pick out & develop 3 action scenes that we can create story boards & flowcharts for to show how the scene will progress the three scenes. I also wrote up a quick summary of each of the playable characters of which they will need to be expanded on & changed in some places I will write up what they are now & detail any changes in them in future blogs.

Mercenary - Was a high highly decorated member of the British army but left to become a Merc during the Pax Britanica. Where the relative peace of Europe had left him bored & craving action.

Witch - A practitioner of magic her whole family has been practising magic since the beginning of time. They are highly skilled in all aspect of magic ever those classed as dark magic by her kind.

Templar - A member of the order of the Knights of Templar with a fanatical love for the order & it's code. He will stop at nothing to enforce the code even if it means breaking it himself.

Oneirologist - The scientist who studies dreams. He is a learned man with the ability to pick up skills very quickly but as such he never truly masters a skill as he tries to learn four or five skills at once.

That is a brief outline of the characters in my next blog I shall expand on all the concepts outlined above & provide some concept art to go along with each of the descriptions.

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