Monday, 24 October 2011

Character Design - The Mercenary

The mercenary back story proved to be the more difficult out of all the character classes to write & as such has taken me a bit longer to get it down.

The merc was originally envisioned to be the perfect soldier who had just had enough of the relative peace that the time had brought. The PAX BRITANICA as it was known then but we decided to change it up so that there was more of an edge to him. We decided to keep the idea that he was highly decorated & highly skilled but he had to go AWOL for reasons that will become apparent later in this blog. The merc is a brooding slab of a man 100% pure  muscle, straight to the point but never cruel or rather never intentionally cruel. He has all the manners of a British Officer which we all know are impeccable. The concept art for the merc will be added to this blog later on.

The following is some of the back story of the merc & why he had to go AWOL

We were stationed in some back water of India in the Jharkhand region of East India to be precise. We had made our way hear chasing a group of rebels & only a core group of them survived. They where to be brought in dead or alive it made no difference their crime was one so heinous it could not go unpunished. These savages had attacked raped & killed the governor's daughter. I mean who did these Neanderthals think they were they had no right to even lay a finger on a British citizen. As such we were merciless in our justice as we meted out death to all the rebels & those that helped them.But our commanding officer was to be wed to the governor's daughter & he had took this mission personally vowing to kill every last one of the dogs who did this to his fiancĂ©e. We finally managed to track the rest of the scum to their village where the locals hid them. Our commanding officer gathered all the villagers in the middle of the village & started to execute them one by one women, children first to get the men to give themselves up. I couldn't stand by & watch, I had to do something I told him to stop or I would stop him myself he ordered for me to be arrested but that wasn't going to happen I knew I would be tried with cowardice & condemned to death. So I did the only thing I could do I drew my pistol & shot him through the head, then I ran.....

The merc's world is going to be based on a Victorian style era with quintessential British gentleman rounding off the era. There will be a lot of Victorian style architecture with a slight steam punk influence to give it the quirk that it needs to be distinguished from the other era's. The colours in this world will be very bright & rich to give the impression of a great wealth within the world with lots of items coming from the British colonies within the empire. There will be lots of grand villas with towns attached to them with a prominent presence of the British army to keep the peace & the savages in line. The British army will be among some of the hardest enemies within the game as they have the best training in the world, this in turn makes team work more essential within this realm than it does in the others.

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